Georgeson has been engaged by Sun Life Financial Inc. (Sun Life) to implement an ASSET REUNIFICATION® program to help reunite eligible policyholders of Sun Life with their unclaimed demutualization benefits, assist unexchanged shareholders of Clarica obtain their share and/or cash entitlements, and repatriate holders of unclaimed cash with their rightful payments from Sun Life.

What does this mean?

Sun Life has provided the ASSET REUNIFICATION program to help ensure that all eligible holders of Sun Life receive their rightful share and/or cash entitlements.

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    Lost Policyholders of Sun Life

    A lost policyholder is anyone who owned a Sun Life policy as of January 27, 1998 and who the company has been unable to contact to deliver the demutualization benefits due to an address change or some other change in circumstances.

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    Unexchanged Shareholders of Clarica Life Insurance Company

    Any shareholder of Clarica Life Insurance Company ("Clarica") who has not received their Sun Life shares following the company’s acquisition by Sun Life is considered an "unexchanged" shareholder. These "unexchanged" shareholders have yet to exchange their Clarica share certificates for their Sun Life share entitlement.

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    Lost Holders of Unclaimed Cash Payments from Sun Life

    Anyone who owns (or previously owned) common shares of Sun Life to whom the company has been unable to correspond with to deliver dividend payments or other cash distributions paid, following an address change or some other change in circumstances, is considered a lost holder of unclaimed cash payments.

Policyholders of Sun Life

On March 22, 2000, Sun Life became a publicly traded company through a process known as demutualization. Through this process, people holding eligible policies on January 27, 1998 became entitled to demutualization benefits consisting of cash or common shares of Sun Life Financial Inc.

If you were a policyholder of Sun Life on January 27, 1998, you should have claimed your demutualization benefits consisting of cash or common shares of Sun Life Financial Inc.

Unexchanged Shares of Clarica Life Insurance Company

On December 31, 2002, Clarica Life Insurance Company (“Clarica”) amalgamated with Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Following this transaction, holders of Clarica common shares were due 1.5135 common shares of Sun Life Financial Inc. as well as any accrued or unclaimed dividends or distributions paid, for every common share of Clarica they held.

If you were a shareholder of Clarica after December 31, 2002, you should have exchanged your Clarica certificates in exchange of your share and/or cash entitlements from Sun Life Financial Inc.

Unclaimed Cash Payments from Sun Life

You may be the owner, or a representative of the owner, due an unclaimed and outstanding cash payment from Sun Life Financial Inc. This may be as a result of not having your current address on the shareholder register.

How do I claim my share and/or cash entitlements?

To claim your entitlements, you may choose one of the following options:

  • Visit the program website provided on the Important Notice you received from Georgeson, and log on using the passcode provided.
  • Complete the Asset Reunification Form that was sent to you and mail it back to us, using the business reply envelope provided.
  • Call us toll-free at 1 877 288 8834 or collect at 514 982 2390.

"ASSET REUNIFICATION" is a registered trademark of Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc.