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    1 million+ owners reunited with their assets

  • tender-offer-icon

    1 billion+ dollars in assets reunited

​Helping your shareholders reunite with their assets


Many registered shareholders still remain unexchanged several months after a merger, acquisition or reverse-stock split. The shareholders risk the loss of their property, and the issuer faces both added complexity in its shareholder recordkeeping and the ultimate responsibility of remittance.

You can clearly and transparently reunite your unexchanged shareholders with their assets with our ASSET REUNIFICATION® program. We help shareholders resolve the obstacles that have hindered their exchange, and assist them in taking the required action. Our fees are fully disclosed and we inform shareholders that they can still contact the exchange or transfer agent directly to handle the exchange themselves.

The program is shareholder-financed, with only a nominal fee to the issuer.


To learn more, please contact us.

"ASSET REUNIFICATION" is a registered trademark of Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc.